Spring 2025 Request for Proposals
Spring 2025 Planning Course Planning Form Instructions Due January 7, 2025 – email completed forms to Jole
This class will involve a candid discussion of proven leadership principles and demonstrate how they can be applied in todays emergency service work environment. Unlike many leadership programs which only describe the characteristics and traits that leaders should possess, Leadership in the Real World combines cutting edge theories with skills and behaviors that students will be able to use on the job, in their departments, every day. The curriculum will cover the four core concepts required for effective leadership: promote yourself, find your voice, know the tools of the leadership trade, and communicate effectively. The technical knowledge and no-nonsense skills presented in this class will serve as a foundation for effective leadership development.
Spring 2025 Planning Course Planning Form Instructions Due January 7, 2025 – email completed forms to Jole
Dear Students, Beginning today, please park on the fire grounds at Morris County Fire Academy, until
Dear Students, Due to low enrollment, the following class has been cancelled: Leadership So Everyone Goes Home Wednesday,