Spring 2025 Request for Proposals
Spring 2025 Planning Course Planning Form Instructions Due January 7, 2025 – email completed forms to Jole
Is your department on the path to a LODD? This compelling presentation by the National Fallen Firefighter Foundation examines the root causes of LODDs and the role of Leadership, Accountability, Culture, and Knowledge as it influences the end result. Many fire departments across the United States LACK the Right Stuff to prevent them from being on a path to a line of duty death, with Leadership, Accountability, Culture, and Knowledge being the elements that need to be addressed and managed in those environments. Through education and training, those departments can improve their survivability by understanding the root causes of firefighter fatalities and tackling these four elements with special emphasis on understanding fire service culture.
Spring 2025 Planning Course Planning Form Instructions Due January 7, 2025 – email completed forms to Jole
Dear Students, Beginning today, please park on the fire grounds at Morris County Fire Academy, until
Dear Students, Due to low enrollment, the following class has been cancelled: Leadership So Everyone Goes Home Wednesday,