Full Classes
Dear Students, The following classes are currently at maximum capacity. If we're able to increase the
Principles of Modern Building Construction is designed to raise the awareness of Fire Service personnel of the dangers inherent in the construction methods and materials prevalent today, and compare them with the construction methods of old. A brief review of construction types and methods is used as a platform to introduce new lightweight materials and methodology. Factors such as high-heat release fuel loading, energy efficiency, thermos pane windows, tighter building envelopes, and the impacts these have on the time temperature curve will be introduced. This course encourages students to document new construction using digital photography. This will afford the firefighter advance knowledge of vulnerabilities and exposures, and will hopefully facilitate better tactical decision making and outcome prediction.
Dear Students, The following classes are currently at maximum capacity. If we're able to increase the
Spring 2025 Planning Course Planning Form Instructions Due January 7, 2025 – email completed forms to Jole
Dear Students, Beginning today, please park on the fire grounds at Morris County Fire Academy, until