Full Classes
Dear Students, The following classes are currently at maximum capacity. If we're able to increase the
This program is intended to expand knowledge for newly appointed or recently re-appointed inspectors. It will also serve as a refresher for inspectors who perform a very limited number of inspections per year. Topics covered include duties and responsibility, interagency cooperation, inspection preplanning, performing the inspection, documenting the inspection and completing the inspection process. The program will also include a review of legal requirements, dos and donts and the consequences and remedies for inspectors who deviate from the stated requirements. There will be examples of violations and the proper reference under the IFC 2015. Seasoned inspectors taking the program for CEU requirements may find the program to be a re-statement of what they already know.
Dear Students, The following classes are currently at maximum capacity. If we're able to increase the
Spring 2025 Planning Course Planning Form Instructions Due January 7, 2025 – email completed forms to Jole
Dear Students, Beginning today, please park on the fire grounds at Morris County Fire Academy, until