Spring 2025 Request for Proposals
Spring 2025 Planning Course Planning Form Instructions Due January 7, 2025 – email completed forms to Jole
Dear Student,
If, in the recent past you have taken only Part A or Part B of Drill Ground Instructor and need the missing half for your renewal, we will accommodate you. Please follow these instructions:
Email us at the following addresses: firesafety@kean.edu, jsteele@kean.edu and kloalbo@kean.edu with your name and DFS ID number.
Note the part you are missing, either part A or B.
Indicate the date and location you’d like to attend.
Part A classes will begin at 8:30 a.m. and dismiss at the break for lunch. Part B will begin approximately 12:30 p.m. and conclude at the end of the class.
Here are the date/location options:
October 21 Ocean County Fire Academy
November 8 Morris County Fire Academy
November 18 Hunterdon County Fire Academy
December 6 Atlantic County Fire Academy
You must notify us at least 48 hours in advance of the date of the class in order for us to add you to the roster.
This arrangement is available to students who currently have only one of the parts of Drill Ground Instructor that was previously offered in Zoom format. All other students must attend the full day lecture to receive credit.
Thank you,
The Fire Safety Training Program.
Spring 2025 Planning Course Planning Form Instructions Due January 7, 2025 – email completed forms to Jole
Dear Students, Beginning today, please park on the fire grounds at Morris County Fire Academy, until
Dear Students, Due to low enrollment, the following class has been cancelled: Leadership So Everyone Goes Home Wednesday,